What are the grade levels of your students?
We have three graduates, Classes of 2015, 2017, and 2021.
What do you love about Hill Country Christian School?
I love the empowering community of students, faculty, and staff. I love that my kids recognized and tapped into that support and connection with their teachers again and again.
What factors led you to choose Hill Country?
We sought a Christ-centered, college preparatory learning environment, and we found that at Hill Country. Easy decision.
Our tagline is “Preparing for College. Preparing for Life.” How have your students experienced this at Hill Country?
Our graduates provide many examples of this. The academic challenges they have met and mastered at Hill Country have translated into success in college. The Hill Country environment also provided them with many opportunities to lead and be part of various groups and activities, and they have not hesitated to do the same at the university level. It’s like second nature to them now.
What would you tell a student or family who is considering a Hill Country education?
I consider our investment in education at Hill Country maybe the best investment we’ve ever made. Certainly in preparing them for college and work life after Hill Country, but more importantly in the development of their characters and the refining and nurturing of their walks with Christ.
Please feel free to share something memorable you have experienced at Hill Country.
The Baccalaureate Commencement Service is something I’ll never forget, nor will the graduates. It is truly a celebration, recognizing God’s hand in all that transpires in the students’ lives and academic careers at Hill Country.