How many years have you been involved with Hill Country?
This is my 7th year to teach at Hill Country and my 15th as a parent. I have an alum and kids in 11th, 10th, and 7th grade.

What is your role?
I am a preschool teacher.

What do you love about Hill Country Christian School?
I love that Hill Country is Christ-centered. Because we are Christ-centered, families love and serve each other… it’s a great community.

How has your experience at Hill Country Christian School been unique?
I love my preschool team! They are coworkers, sisters in Christ, and true friends. My favorite part of teaching preschool is watching children grow in their knowledge of the Lord. We get to watch Him move in their little hearts and see their eyes open to His goodness and love. It is precious to hear when they have accepted Christ as their Savior and a delight to attend baptisms.

What would you tell a student or family who is considering a Hill Country education?
Your child will get a great education. But even more important than that, he/she will have opportunities to know God and worship through weekly chapels and classroom discussions in Lower School. In Upper School, students attend chapel, small groups, and have opportunities to serve through mentor programs, mission trips, and community service. Students gain an understanding that we are created to worship God and serve others.

Is there anything else you would like to share?
Often we have people ask us, “Why did you choose Hill Country?” We are humbled to say that God chose this amazing school community for us. Thirteen years ago, we received a phone call from the registrar to tell us that someone gave a personal donation to the school for our daughter to attend. Someone chose to invest in Kendal’s life, and because of their generosity, the direction of our whole family changed. We are humbled and forever grateful. Choosing to use the scholarship was one of the best decisions we have made! The next question we are asked is, “How can you afford it?” Honestly, it has been a faith journey each year, and God has provided in miraculous ways for our four children to attend.