Gifted and Talented Enrichment

Hill Country Christian School’s Gifted and Talented Enrichment program (GATE) enhances and enriches the educational experience for qualified students. GATE students participate in activities that increase the depth and breadth of their learning opportunities through practical application of the classroom curriculum. Students work on group projects, take educational field trips, and have visits from guest speakers.

Units for 2023-2024

FirstWater Cycle, Fairy Tale STEM, Pumpkins, Thanksgiving, Christmas Around the World Activities, Habitats and Biomes, STEM Activities, Engineering Challenge, Research Project
SecondEgypt, STEM Superheroes, Kitchen Chemistry, Roller Coaster Physics, Simple Machines, and STEM Activities, Research Project
ThirdGreece and Rome, Business Unit with Market Day, Great Thinkers and Living Museum, Forensic Science, Renewable Resources, STEM Activities, Research Project
FourthMedieval and Renaissance, Inventions / Shark Tank, Great Thinkers and Living Museum, Business Unit with Gingerbread House Competition, Survivor, Tiny House Challenge, STEM Activities, Research Project
FifthLaw and Mock Fairy Tale Trials, Immigration, Seven Wonders of the World, Human Body, STEM Activities, Research Project, Field Study to Community First Village, End of Year Field Study Celebration, Research Project