Why Hill Country
At Hill Country Christian School of Austin, we prepare our students for college and for life.
We know that selecting a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make. Whether you are examining private education, public education, or home schooling, the choices may seem overwhelming. Please explore our website, come to our campus for a tour, or call us for more information.
We believe Hill Country possesses three distinctives that set us apart. Click the links below to learn about our distinctives, known as “The 3 Cs.”
Christ-centered Community
All subjects are taught from a Christian worldview, with Christian principles and biblical truths woven into the very fabric of the curriculum. Read more.
Classical education is a time-tested approach that aligns instruction and curriculum to a child’s cognitive development and consists of three stages known as the Trivium, which creates a progression of learning from knowledge to understanding to wisdom. Read more.
College-preparatory Curriculum
Hill Country Christian School of Austin provides a course of study that meets or exceeds admission requirements at top colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. We teach our students to think critically and problem solve, using formal logic, the Great Texts, and the Socratic Method of inquiry-based discussion. Read more.